Flight 03 Girls

Heather Evans, LD
September 19 - 21, 2009
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
1. Brandi Aiken
2. Morgin Arvey
3. Abby Coleman
4. Kaylee Day
5. Caitlin Derico
6. Kimberly Duplak
7. Belinda Ear
8. Katie Faller
9. Morgan Hagan
10. Tracy McMahan
11. Andrea Moore
12. Sarah Morrow
13. Chelsey Nations
14. Audrey Leigh Reid
15. Brandi Sutton
Lay Director
Heather Evans (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Judy Roach
Spiritual Directors
Steve Phillippi (Head) (God's Gifts to You & God Empowers You)
Bo Phillips (God Loves You)
Al Beck (God Designed You & God Sustains You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Karen Phillips
A: Carole Maennle
Y: Jessica Harless
Y: Amber Crawford (Next Steps)
Table Leaders
A: Celest Holloman (Faith)
A: Teri Walawender (Communication Thru Prayer)
A: Cheryl Kelley (& David) (Marriage)
A: Lindsey Holland (Single Life)
A: Katarina Beck
Y: Holly Monteith (Ideals)
Y: Becca Parris (Christian Action)
Y: Rachel Kolodski (Growth Through Study)
Y: Kayla Betz (Prodigal)
Y: Kellie Harless
A: Bonnie Willcox (Head)
A: Alva Winchester
A: Vickie Harless
A: Renee Parris
A: Kathy Norris
Y: Nikki Farmer
Y: Kellie Willcox
Y: Hannah Heiskell
Y: Becca Hawken
A: Melissa Gibson
Y: Bekah Metz