Brian Bowman, LD
May 23 - 25, 2009
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
1. John Baldwin
2. Erik Beck
3. Curtis Betz
4. Jacob Doster
5. Daniel Evans
6. Cameron Garrett
7. Ian Gilchrist-Myers
8. David Kelley Jr.
9. Jessiah Krasner
10. Brian Marshall
11. Aaron (Chevy) Millard
12. Michael Owens
13. David Phillippi
14. Tim Potate
15. Randy Stiles
16. Jorge Welch
17. Chris Wilson
18. Dylan Winchester
Lay Director
Brian Bowman  (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Vernon O'Dell
Spiritual Directors
Bo Phillips (Head) (God's Gifts to You)
Kyle Hunsucker (God Loves You)
Michael Seay  (God Sustains You)
Chris West  (God Empowers You)
Earl King Sr. (God Designs You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Gary Rogers
A: Lucas Luther
A: David Anthony
Y: Caleb King  (Next Steps)
Table Leaders
A: Richard Clark  (Faith)
A: Kevin (PDab) Allen (Communication Thru Prayer)
A: Jeff Marr (& Jodi) (Marriage)
A: Mark Gerbino (Single Life)
A: Billy Ray Palmer
Y: Lex Hunt (Ideals)
Y: Mark Caudell (Christian Action) - Music
Y: Joe Mylnik (Growth Through Study) - Music
Y: Christian Morris (Prodigal) - Music
Y: Brandon Norris
A: Danny Stalcup
A: Robert Willcox
Y: Nolan McIntosh
Y: Byron Dehart
Y: Lance Phillips
Y: KC Kirtley
Jonathan Fleetwood


1 Jan
Happy birthday!
Date 01.01.2026
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!