Katarina Beck, LD
March 13 - 15, 2020 (Friday - Sunday)
WNC Church of God Assembly Grounds,  Whittier, NC
1.  Erica Beane
2.  Hilda Beane
3.  Carmelita Cote
4.  Zoe Bradford
5.  Jillian Clayton
6.  Sara Duplisea
7.  Amanda Fleischer
8.  Nicole Hauss
9.  Taylor Lawrence
10.  Madison Lowe
11.  Harley Martin
12.  Railey Martin
13.  Racheal "Rei" Messer
14.  Kassidy Mixer
15.  Michelle Perez
16.  Allie Reyes
17.  Angel Stewart
18.  Renae Younce
Lay Director
Katarina Beck (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Stacey Posey
Spiritual Directors
Al Beck (Head)(God Designed You)(God's Gifts to You)
Nathan Finsel (God Empowers You)
Keri Hill (God Loves You)
Bekah Lisk
Bradley Lisk
Maria Lyons (God Sustains You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Melissa "Gibby" Gibson (Head)
A: Felicia Harrell 
A: Linda Palmeter
Y: Rachel Ahrens (Next Steps)
Y: Maddie Noland
Table Leaders
A: Kara Hollowell (Communication Through Prayer)
A: Mary Kate McCarn (Faith)
A: Debbie Unger
A: Tiffany VanHook (& Rodney) (Marriage)
A: Alva Winchester
Y: Kimmie Ahrens
Y: Maddie Helton (Ideals)
Y: Mackenzie Hicks
Y: Faith Ann Revis (Christian Action)
Y: Jaiden VanHook (Prodigal)
A: Sheri Allen (Head) 
A: Crystal Allen
A: Sarah Allen
Y: Mackenzie Finsel
Y: Faith Keyes
Y: Emily Lyons
Y: Megan Turner (Growth Through Study)
Sarah Rushing (Single Life)
Rachel Bellavance


1 Jan
Happy birthday!
Date 01.01.2026
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!