Neal Hawken, LD
May 26 - 28, 2018 (Saturday - Monday)
Truett Camp, Hayesville
1. Noah Clay
2. Kent Cochran
3. Jasper Coggins
4. Adam Fleischer
5. Bryson Kierbow
6. Alex McCaw
7. Dillion McLean
8. Chase Newton
9. Hugo Poole
10. Parker Posey
11. Gabriel Roberts
Lay Director
Neal Hawken (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Jason Boston
Spiritual Directors
Al Beck (Head)(God Designed You & God's Gifts to You)
Scott Carter (God Loves You)
Matt Cowan (God Empowers You)
Bo Phillips (God Sustains You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Robert Willcox 
A: Richard Clark
A: Byron Dehart
Y: Austin Derico (Next Steps)
Y: Joseph Straughn
Table Leaders
A: Bryan Evans (Single Life)
A: John Mompoint (Communication Through Prayer)
A: Randy Mugrage (Faith)
A: Rodney VanHook (& Tiffani) (Marriage)
Y:  Branson Baker  (Christian Action)
Y: Josh Barr
Y: Tanner Creelman (Christian Growth Through Study)
Y: Zach Winchester (Prodigal)
A: Chris Harrell
A: Steven Donaldson
A: Doug Barbash
Y: Mason Alexander
Y: Austin Clay
Y: Chris Hribar
Y: Josh Ott (Ideals)
Keith Layton
Chevy Millard


1 Jan
Happy birthday!
Date 01.01.2026
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!