Flight 31 Boys
Pat Jaco, LD
October 22 - 24, 2016 (Dates Changed to Sat - Mon)
October 22 - 24, 2016 (Dates Changed to Sat - Mon)
Truett Camp, Hayesville
1. Austin Clay
2. Dakota Gaddy
3. Thomas Hollifield
4. Tanner Moore
5. Josh Ott
Lay Director
Pat Jaco (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Leon Roach
Spiritual Directors
Josh Goodman (Head)(God Designed You & God's Gifts to You)
Bo Phillips (God Loves You)
Jim Pinkard (God Emposers You)
Kevin Turner (God Sustains You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Neil Hawken (Head)
A: Ronnie Mulkey
Y: Isaac Herrin (Next Steps)
Table Leaders
A: Lance Phillips (Single Life)
A: Gary Clark (Faith)
A: Chris Harrell (Marriage)
Y: Roy Bryan (Prodigal)
Y: Cordell Allen (Ideals)
Y: Austin Derico (Growth Through Study)
Y: Joseph Straughn
A: Byron Dehart (Head)
A: Erik Beck (Communication Through Prayer)
Y: Wes Bryan
Y: Luke Pinkard
Y: Matthew Thomas
A: Blake Arnold
Y: Bryan Evans (Christian Action)
Y: Cole West