Richard Clark, LD
October 19- 21, 2012
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
1. Colten Bishop
2. Devin Buchanan
3. Eric Carr
4. Bryan Evans
5. Timothy Foster
6. Christopher Hribar
7. Jeremiah Ledford
8. Phil Lee
9. Gavin Mills
Lay Director
Richard Clark (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Lucas Luther
Spiritual Directors
Al Beck (Head)(God Sustains You)
Jeremy Bradford (God Empowers You)
Chris West (God's Gifts to You)
Doug Rowe (God Loves You)
Dennis McCoy (God Designed You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Terry Keith (Head)
A: Gary Clark
A: Chris McEntrye
Y: Lance Phillips (Next Steps)
Y: Eric Beck (Ideals)
Table Leaders
A: Matthew Shipman (Faith)
A: Gary Clark (Communication through Prayer)
A: Jason Boston (Single Life)
A: Derik Messer
Y: Jake West (Christian Action)
Y: Kyle Sizemore (Christian Growth Through Study)
Y: Austin Layton (Prodigal)
Y: Jacob Doster
A: Mason Phillippi (Head)
A: Ben Munsell

A: Eric Hill (& Keri) (Marriage)

Y: Byron DeHart
Y: Austin HIll
Y: Dalton Brasier
Y: Chris Nordin
Y: Nick Bellavance
A: Butch Martin
Y: Jonathan Dailey
Y: Christian Birchfield


1 Jan
Happy birthday!
Date 01.01.2026
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!