Teri Walawender, LD
September 14 - 16, 2012
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
1.  Claire Boyer
2.  Tiffany Clark
3.  Cassidy Dalrymple
4.  Kendra Duvall
5.  Danielle Hawken
6.  Sarah Matthews
7.  Jackie Styles
8.  Rachel Taylor
9.  Lydia Wylupek
Lay Director
Teri Walawender  (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Celest Holloman
Spiritual Directors
Steve Phillippi (Head)(God's Gifts to You & God Empowers You)
Al Beck (God Sustains You)
Scott Carter (God Designed You)
Tim Lee (God Loves You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Beth Maennle (Head) (Single Life)
A: Libby Thigpen
A: Laura Roberts
Y: Shannon Stoltzfus (Next Steps)
Y: Ellysa Dagen
Table Leaders
A: Meredith Crisp (Communication Through Prayer)
A: Debbie Layton (& Keith) (Marriage)
A: Alice Thomason
A: Chasidy West (Faith)
Y: Haley Brooks(Christian Growth Through Study)
Y: Victoria Clark (Ideals)
Y: Tracy McMahan (Christian Action)
Y: Breana Stillwell (Prodigal)
A: Brooke Simpson (Head)
A: Wendy Clark
A: Kayci Garrison
A: Tammie Johnson
A: Alisha Randall
A: Emily Reed
Y: Alex Clark
Y: Caitlin Derico
Y: Katie Garland
Y: Catie Hogue
Y: Hannah Lehnert
A: Melissa Gibson
Y: Rachel Stewart


1 Jan
Happy birthday!
Date 01.01.2026
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!