Flight 14 Boys

Randy Thomason, LD
May 26 - 28, 2012
May 26 - 28, 2012
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
1. Branson Baker
2. Nick Bellevance
3. Christian Birchfield
4. Dalton Brasier
5. Chris Brown
6. Cody Cloer
7. Jonathan Dailey
8. Julien Fleming
9. Jake Frizzel
10. Evan Gossett
11. Isaac Herrin
12. Austin Hill
13. Will Howell
14. Chris Jones
15. Kile Jones
16. Matthew May
17. Hayden Prickett
18. Daniel Reatugui
19. Cray Spencer
20. Will Watson
Lay Director
Randy Thomason (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Gary Rogers
Spiritual Directors
Bo Phillips (Head) (God's Gifts to You)
Nathan Finsel (God Loves You)
Dustin James (God Empowers You)
Earl King Sr. (God Designed You)
Billy Pittman (God Sustains You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Richard Clark (Head)
A: Kevin "PDab" Allen
A: Shawn Winchester
Y: Austin Layton (Next Steps)
Y: Colton Ledford
Y: Colton Ledford
Table Leaders
A: Neil Hawken (& Ginny) (Marriage)
A: Pat Jaco (Faith)
A: Mark Thigpen (Communication Through Prayer)
A: Keith Layton
A: Matt Miller (Single Life)
A: Josh Sasscer
Y: Tim Sale (Ideals)
Y: Nathan Miles
Y: Justin Solesbee (Christian Action)
Y: Chevy Millard (Prodigal)
Y: Chevy Millard (Prodigal)
Y: Jimmy Yokel (Christian Growth Through Study)
Y: Kyle Sizemore
A: Robert Willcox (Head)
A: Jason Boston
A: Steve Saams
Y: Luke Thigpen
Y: Sam McCoy
Y: Caledin Wylupek
Y: Sean Gerhart
A: Chris West
Y: Blake Arnold
Y: Chris Nordin