Flight 11 Girls

Carole Maennle, LD
September 16 -18, 2011
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
1. Maddie Allen
2. Rachel Brooks
3. Maddy Brown
4. Alex Clark
5. Moriah Elkins
6. Amber Gearhart
7. Nyssa Knight
8. Laura Lindsay
9. Sasha Marler
10. Sage Mathis
11. Lexie McDowell
12. Kiana Medlin
12. Kiana Medlin
13. Leah Palmer
14. Shelby Parris
15. Leeann Pressley
16. Lydia Spotswood
17. Ashley Thompson
18. Sydney Walsh
19. Kayla Welch
19. Kayla Welch
Lay Director
Carole Maennle (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Ginny Hawken
Spiritual Directors
John Reid (Head)(God's Gifts to You)
Derrick Palmer (God Loves You)
Chris West (God Sustains You)
Maria Lyons (God Empowers You)
Wayne Dickert (God Designed You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Teri Dalrymple
A: Heather Luther
Y: Kimberly Duplak
Y: Holly Monteith (Next Steps)
Table Leaders
A: Brooke Simpson (Communication Through Prayer)
A: Tammie Johnson (Faith)
A: Alva Winchester (Marriage)
A: Beth Maennle (Single Life)
A: Sarai Gilbert
Y: Shannon Stoltzfus (Ideals)
Y: Sara Pinkard (Prodigal)
Y: Caitlin Derico (Christian Growth Through Study)
Y: Haley Brooks
Y: Lizzy Rowe
A: Lindsey Holland (Head)
A: Debbie Winchester
A: Tammy Kirkland
A: Debra Hoyle
A: Judy Roach
A: Angie Pinkard
Y: Felicia Reighard
Y: Lauren Cook (Christian Action)
A: Melissa "Gibby" Gibson
Y: Heather Kirkland