Laura Shaffer, LD
March 11 - 13, 2011
Camp Living Water, Bryson City
1. Rayven Casada
2. Anjelica Childs
3. Bekah Cole
4. Sarah Cole
5. Leticia 'Tici' Cruz
6. Emilee Curtis
7. Emily Davis
8. Carrie Doster
9. Liz Drevas
10. Logan Edwards
11. Kendall George
12. Michele Getch
13. Elizabeth Gilbert
14. Alison Grindstaff
15. Amanda Gould
16. Jazzlyn Hill
17. Autumn Keziah
18. Heather Kirkland
19. Katrina Lugo-Langlois
20. Rebecca Morgan
21. Joanna Owle
22. Kristen Queen
23. Ashton Saunders
24. Spencer Saunders
25. Jessica Schoelzel
26. Emily Smith
27. Dovi Smoker
28. Shannon Stoltzfus
29. Katrina Stover
30. Yancy Sutton
31. Briana Yokel
32. Molly Vann
Lay Director
Laura Shaffer (Priesthood of All Believers)
Board Rep
Heather Evans
Spiritual Directors
John Reid (Head)(God's Gifts to You)
Steve Shaffer (God Empowers You)
Jeff Broom (God Loves You)
Robin Broom (God Sustains You)
Keith Newell (God Designed You)
Asst. Lay Directors
A: Donna Smith (Head)
A: Celest Holloman
A: Teri Walawender (Faith)
Y: Hannah Spottswood
Y: Kayla Betz (Next Steps)
Table Leaders
A: Lisa Crowe (Single Life)
A: Chasidy West (Communication Through Prayer)
A: Janet Carlin
A: Heather Luther (& Lucas) (Marriage)
A: Michelle Adams
A: Cheryl Kelley
A: Angela Logan
Y: Haley Brooks (Prodigal)
Y: Kait Stoltzfus (Christian Growth Through Study)
Y: Kimberly Michele Duplak (Ideals)
Y: Amy Solesbee (Christian Action)
Y: Katie Wilson
Y: Mercedes Messer
Y: Becca Hawken
A: Libby Thigpen (Head)
A: Judy Roach
A: Rachel Giese
A: Diane Lowe
Y: Sarah Allen
Y: Ellysa Dagen
Y: Danielle Tipton
Y: Tracy McMahan
A: Amy Turner
Y: Audrey Reid


1 Jan
Happy birthday!
Date 01.01.2026
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!
1 Jan
Happy birthday!